
知合2023-10-07 14:30594 阅读73 赞


作文1:The Landscape of Chongqing(重庆的风景)Chongqing is a beautiful city in southwest China with a unique landscape. It is known for its mountains, rivers, and bridges. The Yangtze River and Jialing River。



关于重庆的高中英语作文A篇1 Chongqing is a port city with the largest municipal area and population in China. It is situated in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River at the confluence of the Yangtze and Ji。


关于“我爱重庆” 的英语作文100字左右(初二)

作文:I love Chongqing 我爱重庆 Chongqing Bold boys, pretty girls.重庆大胆的男孩,漂亮的女孩。Beautiful night view of Chongqing.美丽的重庆夜景。Chongqing is the youngest municipality directly under the Central, 。


My Hometown英语作文80字 重庆

如下:My hometown is rich in products and beautiful scenery. It is called the "Pearl of Grassland". This place is beautiful Inner Mongolia.我的家乡物产丰富、风景秀丽,被人们称为“草原明珠”,这个地方就是美丽。


Chongqing southwest the Chinese interior the spot, in Yangtze River's upstream, the city according to Shan Erjian, is called by “the mountain city”.Chongqing has 82403 square kilometers, the entire city has。

英语作文 这个暑假我去了重庆,在那 里玩得非常开心

in Chongqing, walked by the Jialing River and enjoyed the night scenery of Chongqing.晚上我们来到重庆的洪崖洞附近,行走于嘉陵江边,欣赏着重庆的夜景。Chongqing, I'll see you again.重庆,我会再来看你的。


and cultural cities,The scenery here is very beautiful, welcome to Chongqing tourism.(重庆位于中国西南地区,是一座非常美丽的城市,它被称为“山城”,是中国历史文化名城之一,这里风景非常美丽,欢迎来到重庆旅游。)。

写一篇关于家乡变化的英语作文 我的家乡,重庆的变化 字数要求80字左右。

my hometown is a beautiful place and i love it. However, many years ago, it was different. At that moment, people lived a poor life with old houses. The pollution was serious, rubbish was seen everywhere。

重庆 我的家乡 英语作文

My hometown
