
知合2024-06-21 10:4086 阅读47 赞




写篇英语作文 题目是如何提高学校教学质量的 要书

写作思路:可以提出合理的教学建议,比如注意教师素质、加强学校的管理、多组织一些评比活动等等,学校也可以通过评比活动,发现一些优秀的教学方法从而进行推广,让优秀来激励优秀永远都是正确的做法。正文:Pay attention to the quality of teachers, which is a very important condition. Although all teac。


80词 英语作文 my dream 提示1. 梦想成为作家 2.为什么想成为作家?

I want to be a writer Everyone has a dream about their future,if you ask me what's my dream,I will tell you that I want to be a writer.I like reading very much since I was a child and enjoyed myself very much,then I want to write some stories to make other happy 。


求一篇英语作文《my eating habits 》要求带中文翻译,越简单越好不要复。

The last thing is to enjoy this beautiful and delicious squirrel.最后一件事就是享受这只美丽美味的松鼠。This dish is worthy of being the most brilliant pearl in Jiangsu cuisine.这道菜不愧为江苏菜中最璀璨的明珠。


11:Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.世上无难事,只怕有心人 高级英语作文 篇2 1.occur 替换think of Suddenly I had an idea that someone had broken into my house. An idea occurred to me that someone had broken into my house. It occurred to me that so。


all people are waiting for the dumplings.For us,it’s the best New Year’s Eve dinner.作文翻译:包饺子 在我家乡,有一个每家每户都保持的的传统,那就是包饺子.我们通常会在除夕当天包饺子、吃饺子.我们擀面皮,准备饺子馅儿,然后就可以开始包饺子了.在包饺子时,一定要做的一件事就是把硬币。


思路:先提出译文,我们为什么要保护野生动物,再写原因,最后畅想我们都能做到保护野生动物后世界的美好。范文如下:Why should we protect wildlife animals?Do you know of any endangered animals?Why are they in danger?I think there are many endangered animals in the world,such as tigers and。




4、Change to medium heat, pour in the ribs, let the ribs evenly stained with sweet and sour juice. Stir constantly at the same time. Then pour 1 tablespoons of soy sauce and 5 、grams of salt, stir fry, finally transfer chicken essence, sprinkle sesame seeds, then cook.翻译。

英语作文!题目是关于Work and play的看法和做法等等!100

先给你翻译一下把,大概意思是 "有句老话说'只工作不玩耍(娱乐)会把人变得迟钝',你对这句话有什么看法,你是否认为工作与玩耍(娱乐)是相互关联的,以'工作与玩耍(娱乐)'为话题的文章表达你对这句话的看法."重点阐述工作与娱乐的关系就可以了,不知道你这是什么程度的作文,所以我就按照我的理解给你。
