
知合2023-10-20 22:10158 阅读77 赞


Chongqing southwest the Chinese interior the spot, in Yangtze River's upstream, the city according to Shan Erjian, is called by “the mountain city”.Chongqing has 82403 square kilometers, the entire city has。


英语游记作文 重庆

my hometown is Chong Qing,which is a beautiful city.during the summer vacation I go to swim with my whole family,we enjoy the wonderful time there and we exercise our body.to emphasise that day is very 。





英语游记作文 重庆

fengdu Since the tang FengDouXian, the mountains is called "city", and from then on, the Yangtze river north of little in small town, with its mysterious appearance and numerous legends, become the golden 。

游重庆的英语作文 关于网友来重庆游玩的英语作文

英语作文《重庆游》 我帮你找了一篇,有中文也有英语,一定要采纳我哦。中文: 重庆游 国庆期间,我去了重庆。经过一路颠簸,晕晕乎乎的到了那里。我就像刘姥姥进了大观园似的,左看看右瞧瞧,我一会儿对爸爸说:“看看。


作文1:The Landscape of Chongqing(重庆的风景)Chongqing is a beautiful city in southwest China with a unique landscape. It is known for its mountains, rivers, and bridges. The Yangtze River and Jialing River。

求帮写英语短文 你的一位老外朋友要来重庆玩、要你介绍重庆。 包括重 。

As you may know, Chongqing is called the Mountain City. There are mainly two rivers, Changjiang River and Jialingjiang River across the city. There are a lot of famous tourist sites in Chongqing, such as 。


I went to Kunming for vacation with my family last winter vacation.The sky was blue and air was fresh there.It\\'s not too cold or too hot,so people called it spring city.There were many beautiful 。

重庆蓝天旅游景点介绍英文 重庆蓝天旅游景点介绍英文作文

City of White Emperor in Fengjie is the vital passage of the west part of the Three Gorges。介绍重庆三峡的英文文章介绍重庆的英语作文Chongqing is located in the southwest of China,is a very beautiful city,。
