
知合2024-09-27 09:18645 阅读86 赞


1. A successful marriage is built upon various elements that contribute to its longevity and happiness.2. Paramount among these is a healthy and fulfilling sexual relationship, where both partners equally derive satisfaction. Sex is a profound expression of love and intimacy.3. Additional。



A successful marriage life have many factors to make it happened. I would said the first and most important factor is a good sex life between the partners. Both parties must have equal satisfaction from the orgasm reached in every interactions. Sex is a sign for love too. Next,。


帮我写一篇关于大学生对婚姻和爱情看法的英语作文(100字以上) 写下。

that is , marriage is the grave of love. It seems that pure love only exists out of marriage. But I don't think so. Marriage is the best and last destiny for love. The couple can build their house of love more and more stable and warm after marriage. In my opinion, 。



Some people say that love is the yoke of freedom, marriage is the tomb of love, in fact, marriage is the two live together, no longer like the same love, marriage or responsibility, responsibility is tolerance, tolerance is what is trust, a lot of love For many years the 。


Money is very important in marriage and life, but it is more important to make good use of it. Money can bring convenience and enjoyment to life.金钱在婚姻中生活中很重要,但善用金钱更重要,金钱可以给生活带来方便和享受。However, this enjoyment is within marriage, which is limited 。


1/2页  这种婚姻生活只是不同形式的加锁,it was simply ashackle of a different form,会感觉自己再茫茫荒野中,一筹莫展。It was stranded in the middle of nowhere.他们觉得没有满足感,they feel unfulfilled,却已成为彼此的习惯,生活中难以割舍的那份情They have become each other'。


love needs to be manifested in a cooperative and sharing manner. And with a happy marriage, the family will be happy.爱是一个人的基本属性,它的成熟作为单独的成熟。婚姻是对爱情的发展的自然和非常有效的环境。因此,一个男人和一个女人的爱情导致的婚姻。婚姻带来的家庭。该系列提供了一个。

英语作文婚姻需要的责任 急求

hobbies and many other aspects in your life with your husband or wife ,otherwise this marriage has lost its real meaning .Also if you always hide your feelings toward him or her ,the marriage can hardly last long.In this way ,I believe that communication leads a happy marriage。.


so everybody can enjoy the movie, laugh, cry, be sad, be happy.If there was light it would be a little difficult
