
知合2024-07-17 07:05584 阅读41 赞


love is the base of marriage and family. One famous man once said,“ In a world of existence, there is indeed no greater power than the power of love.” In a marriage,



A successful marriage life have many factors to make it happened. I would said the first and most important factor is a good sex life between the partners. Both parties must have equal satisfaction from the orgasm reached in every interactions. Sex is a sign for love too. Next,。






My views of Matrimony (wedding/marriage)Matrimony is the important to all people's life, two people need to make a full psychological and material preparations.After all, Matrimony is a new life begin, a lot of things can not be the same as pre


Some people say that love is the yoke of freedom, marriage is the tomb of love, in fact, marriage is the two live together, no longer like the same love, marriage or responsibility, responsibility is tolerance, tolerance is what is trust, a lot of love For many years the 。


wondrous beauty ,watered by tears ,and coaxed and caressed by the smiles of yesterday.婚姻的选择,更是艺术的选择,婚姻是一种合并,marriage is more like a merger.要像坚守生命一样坚守住它,cling to them as you would cling to your marriage life,so“不选最贵的,只选最好的”。

英语作文婚姻需要的责任 急求

can hardly last long.In this way ,I believe that communication leads a happy marriage. What's more ,you should try to understand your partner and concern what he or she needs ,do your best to help overcome the difficulties together and hand in hand create a better life。.


爱情与婚姻英语作文篇1 Campus love isn't a newly

跨国婚姻的利与弊 英语作文。。。

there is a problem. Because some religions celebrate certain holidays while others don't. In Christianity, for example, Christians celebrate Christmas while Buddudists don't. Eating habits can also be a problem. One might eat certain food the other don't or dislike.跨国婚姻会遇到更。


Money is very important in marriage and life, but it is more important to make good use of it. Money can bring convenience and enjoyment to life.金钱在婚姻中生活中很重要,但善用金钱更重要,金钱可以给生活带来方便和享受。However, this enjoyment is within marriage, which is limited 。
