
知合2023-09-06 20:17636 阅读54 赞


all of them simple and honest folks. I don't think I can find the like of them in a city. In general,



英语作文:My neighborhood.I live in a nice neighborhood. We have good relationship with our neighbors. Our community is beautiful with flowers and trees around. There is a big lake in the middle.We also hav。



My neighbour I have lots of neighbours but I like Aunt Huang best. She is in her forties. She is slim and pretty with a round face. She is a medium heght with a pair of glasses on her small nose。.



My family has lived in this uptown for a long time. We get along well with our neighbors. Living in the next door is also a family. They have a little boy, who is one year older than me. I like 。


我的邻居英语作文可以这样写。My neighbor lives a young man, this young man goes to work every day, to the evening when will go home, he is not married, this young man is very enthusiastic.The young man。

我的邻居 50英语作文

有翻译の 我和李龙飞是楼上楼下的邻居,也是好朋友。虽然他比我大一岁,但我们无话不谈,在一起总是玩得很开心。当然,再好的朋友也会有发生矛盾的时候。这不,前两天,因为一件很小的事情,我们闹别扭了。Li Longfei。

我的邻居 英语作文60字加翻译

Tom是我的邻居, 我们不仅是邻居而且是同学。他很外向对他的邻居很友好。 他比我高,是卷曲的金色的头发, 他很帅气.Tom擅长数学 当我在学科上有难题的话他就帮助我. 周末我们经常一起做游戏 我去他。


she always helps us. She likes traveling and reading books. She often tells us the places she has been and the stories. She also likes animals and she has a dog named Diandian and she often walks her d。

My neighbor,我的邻居英语作文100字

He always gets up very early,And he always goes to work very early,too.In class,he is very strict.If a student makes a noise,he is very angry.He always tells his student:“It’s have math class now。
