
知合2024-07-12 09:26248 阅读21 赞


A successful marriage life have many factors to make it happened. I would said the first and most important factor is a good sex life between the partners. Both parties must have equal satisfaction from the orgasm reached in every interactions. Sex is a sign for love too. Next,。



A successful marriage life have many factors to make it happened. I would said the first and most important factor is a good sex life between the partners. Both parties must have equal satisfaction from the orgasm reached in every interactions. Sex is a sign for love too. Next,。



A happy marriage requires two people to jointly create.



so everybody can enjoy the movie, laugh, cry, be sad, be happy.If there was light it would be a little difficult


她们的收入和地位使她们在家里的地位大增,同时在工作中她们还可以得到社会的支持。Successful marriage is the most effective form of social support. It relieves the effects of stress, and leads to better mental and physical health. Husbands seem to benefit much more from marriage then 。


Two strangers, but love, it is a thing of beauty. Two people who love each other get married, all friends to wish them all. Marriage is what? Marriage means love, love from, eternal love. When you and your loved one after marriage, regardless of poverty, disease, accident, 。


love needs to be manifested in a cooperative and sharing manner. And with a happy marriage, the family will be happy.爱是一个人的基本属性,它的成熟作为单独的成熟。婚姻是对爱情的发展的自然和非常有效的环境。因此,一个男人和一个女人的爱情导致的婚姻。婚姻带来的家庭。该系列提供了一个。


Nowadays, it is held by many people that one should not marry without love. A man and a woman may freely make friends with each other. They do not talk of marriage until their friendship has ripened into love. In their marriage, they may take other things into consideration, 。


爱情与婚姻英语作文篇1 Campus love isn't a newly


Love is an essential human attribute, which matures as individual matures. Marriage is a natural and extremely effective milieu for the development of love. So the love between a man and a woman leads to a marriage. Marriage brings about a family. The family provides a framework 。
