
知合2024-07-17 21:15550 阅读71 赞


爱情与婚姻英语作文篇1 Campus love isn't a newly



维持日常生活的开支需要钱,维护朋友亲人的关系需要钱,有了孩子需要钱的地方更多,所以,金钱在婚姻生活中真的很重要。Money is very important in marriage and life, but it is more important to make good use of it. Money can bring convenience and enjoyment to life.金钱在婚姻中生活中很重。



Matrimony is the important to all people's life,two people need to make a full psychological and material preparations.After all,Matrimony is a new life begin,a lot of things can not be the same as pre



In a word, my family is full of happiness.I have a very happy family.There are four people in my family

英语作文婚姻需要的责任 急求

can hardly last long.In this way ,I believe that communication leads a happy marriage. What's more ,you should try to understand your partner and concern what he or she needs ,do your best to help overcome the difficulties together and hand in hand create a better life。.


wondrous beauty ,watered by tears ,and coaxed and caressed by the smiles of yesterday.婚姻的选择,更是艺术的选择,婚姻是一种合并,marriage is more like a merger.要像坚守生命一样坚守住它,cling to them as you would cling to your marriage life,so“不选最贵的,只选最好的”。


married for half a year on the divorce, the reason lies in trust, in the final analysis, marriage is not in love, love is free, marriage is given more responsibility, two people really love each other will not make life difficult, willing The world has lovers get married 。


她们的收入和地位使她们在家里的地位大增,同时在工作中她们还可以得到社会的支持。Successful marriage is the most effective form of social support. It relieves the effects of stress, and leads to better mental and physical health. Husbands seem to benefit much more from marriage then 。


family to fulfill its function than love. Love between a husband and a wife, love between parents and children and love between all the family members can pave the way for all the family to a bright future.The families that could survive the hardships and develop from generation 。
